How to lose belly fat naturally and quickly?
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lose belly fat naturally and quickly-Health Fearless |
Losing a stomach is one of those subjects on which the Internet is full of scandalous idiots. You will find their many obsolete bits of advice, which are not scientific or which are adapted from other sites by an author without much knowledge on the subject.
This is why I will give you in this article 12 tips to lose belly fat quickly that REALLY work and are scientifically based. This is the best article you will find (maybe ever) if you want to know how to lose weight.
The fact that you have a flat stomach does not mean that you are necessarily in good health! The fat around the organs, called abdominal fat or visceral fat, is actually worse than visible fat.
Abdominal fat is associated with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many other diseases.
The following 12 tips address all of the causes mentioned and will help you lose belly fat quickly ... So let's get started right away!
Tip-1: Skip breakfast once in a while (important!)
But Hugo, I thought it slows the metabolism and that it is bad for health?
Well no! Far from it, by the way!
The idea that the metabolism slows down if you skip a meal has never been scientifically proven. It was never anything but an unconfirmed theory. Strange, therefore, to see how deeply this belief has taken hold in people's minds. I call it the “metabolism myth”.
A study has shown that one burns exactly the same number of calories in the day whether one consumes 2000 kcal per day during the same meal, or that one divides this same meal in 5 to 6 servings at all. throughout the day (if all other factors are the same).
Your metabolism will only slow down if you do not eat anything for more than 3 to 4 days (72-96 hours). At this point, you go into “starvation mode”. When you eat, the calories will then be stored faster.
Fasting for short periods accelerates the metabolism. For example, a study of 11 men shows that the metabolism is accelerated by 14% during a fast lasting 3 days. This duration is however debatable: other studies show that the metabolism remains unchanged during 3 days of fasting.
The idea that skipping meals (such as breakfast) is unhealthy is also a myth. Here is a summary of the many scientifically-proven benefits of skipping breakfast:
- Insulin sensitivity increases, which promotes fat burning
- Growth hormone production increases, which accelerates fat burning
- Cell repair is activated
- Blood pressure drops
- You increase your life expectancy (up to 30% in rats)
- And much more…
So you can throw away the idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
The only downside is that you might be craving the wrong foods, like candy or fast food. You will then have to hold and then have a full breakfast. Tips-2, 3, 7 and 8 below will help you reduce your cravings for food. Incidentally, studies show that it is fairly easy to skip meals.
But why is it interesting to skip breakfast to lose stomach?
Good question!
It is quite simple to explain. Your body uses two sources of energy, namely:
- Glucose (which you get from carbohydrates)
- Lipids
Your body can be in one of the following 2 modes:
- Mode 1: combustion of sugars
- Mode 2: fat burning (also known as ketosis)
In mode 1, the body uses glucose as an energy source. When the glucose runs out, the body begins to use its glucose stores. It is glycogen, mainly stored in the liver and muscles.
In mode 2, the body uses fat reserves for its energy supply.
To switch to mode 2, you must not eat for 6 to 8 hours! When you wake up in the morning, hopefully after about 8 hours of sleep, your body is in fat-burning mode.
And what do most people do? They have breakfast!
You will have understood that the body then immediately goes into mode 1, namely in sugar burning mode. Which unfortunately means you don't burn fat.
The best thing to do, therefore, is to skip breakfast once in a while (1 to 3 times a week) so as to continue burning fat. When, on the other hand, you have breakfast, I recommend that you follow tip-2.
But Hugo, I will have no energy and my head will spin!
No energy? It does not make sense: you then use lipids as an energy source, which allows you to obtain more than twice as much energy as with sugars. Indeed, 1 gram of carbohydrates is equivalent to 4 kcal while 1 gram of lipids is equivalent to 9 kcal.
It is true, however, that you could be dizzy.
This is explained by the fact that your body has always been used to burning sugar and now has to change its mode. Since you are forcing your body to burn fat, your body must adapt. The state you reach when your body burns fat is called ketosis.
You may feel helpless or dizzy during the first week or even the first two weeks, but not after. To maximize fat burning, exercise before going to lunch. I advise you to have lunch around noon.
It is therefore advisable to proceed as follows 1 to 3 times a week:
1. Skip breakfast
2. Do sports around 11am (it can also be a few simple exercises at home)
3. After sport, take a full lunch around 12 p.m.
In order to burn fat and lose belly while you sleep too, I recommend that you do not eat after 8:00 p.m. So you eat between noon and 8 p.m., but you eat as much as you normally would.
This is to reduce the period during which you are allowed to eat to 8 hours, which is the most common form of intermittent fasting. You may find this practice difficult to combine with your work and meal times. You will then have to think about how to make it practical for you.
Summary tip-1: 1 to 3 times a week, skip breakfast and eat around 12 noon.
Tip-2: Eat a high protein breakfast
Skipping breakfast every day would be a bit of a stretch. It is sometimes advisable to surprise your body to challenge it because any challenge makes you stronger.
There are three reasons why to avoid carbohydrates in the morning:
- This allows the body to stay in fat-burning mode
- Carbohydrates have a high absorption rate
- Carbohydrates lead to high insulin production
I'm talking about processed carbohydrates like bread. This does not mean that you have to say goodbye to bread! Also, take a look at tip-8.
The reason for eating protein in the morning is that, as various studies show, they provide a great feeling of satiety. Here are the consequences:
- We think of eating 60% less often.
- The desire to eat a snack in the evening decreases by 50%.
- We eat more than 400 calories less per day!
So this is a great way to lose more belly.
Incidentally, the idea that eggs are bad for your cholesterol or increase the risk of cardiovascular disease is a myth. This argument is now obsolete.
Summary tip-2: Start the day by eating proteins such as a fried or boiled egg, meat, tuna or poultry!
Tip-3: Eat more good fats
It sounds contradictory to some people, but you will lose more body fat if you eat enough good fats and reduce carbohydrates, instead of eating as little fat as possible.
It's not about giving up carbs altogether. Your brain always needs a little glucose and muscle recovery also requires glucose. The best sources of carbohydrates are vegetables, fruit, and oatmeal to replace bread, pasta, potatoes, or rice.
To lose belly fat and take care of your health, it is important to eat the right fats. These include fats that contain omega 3 fatty acids. These have the following advantages:
They reduce your cortisol level, in other words, stress
- They stimulate the burning of lipids and thus help reduce your percentage of fat
- They suppress the feeling of hunger
Omega 3 fatty acids are found in particular in fatty fish, for example:
- The salmon
- Mackerel
- Herring
- The tuna
- Sardines
You should eat oily fish 2 to 3 times a week for a sufficient supply of omega 3 fatty acids. If you are unable to do so or if you eat little or no fish, I advise you to take an omega 3 supplement in addition to eating healthy fats.
The best supplement for this purpose is Neptune krill oil capsules. If you really want to take slimming capsules, these are the most effective! Scientists have established that these capsules dramatically increase fat burning.
What is the dose to take? Scientific studies show that the optimal dose is 1,000 mg per day. This 1000 mg must include EPA and DHA. The percentage of EPA and DHA per capsule (often 500 mg) is indicated on the packaging.
Krill oil contains fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have a positive impact on the motivation center of the brain. A big plus if you also want to play sports. If you are a vegetarian, you can turn to seaweed oil. If you are looking for a cheaper but good quality capsule, go for fish oil.
Also, be careful not to use margarine or sunflower oil for cooking and frying. Prefer real butter, such as butter from pastured cows, or coconut oil.
Coconut oil has many benefits, such as increasing your metabolism and promoting fat burning. The idea that saturated fats like coconut oil are harmful is just a myth. Behind this kind of advice, we often find the interests of the food industry which wants to continue to profit from the sale of margarine.
Summary tip-3: Eat more omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil to lose belly fat faster.
Tip-4: Start the Fractional
I have already pointed out that cardio workouts will not help you much in losing a tummy.
There is one way to train that can burn up to 7 times more fat: interval training. It is a sports training method that includes a high-intensity activity phase, followed by a recovery phase.
This effect was revealed by a study comparing two groups over a 12-week period: one group subjected to interval training and the other to cardio. In addition, the group subjected to fractional training had gained 1 kg of muscle mass, while the cardio group had lost 0.5 kg of muscle mass!
Another study in which women underwent 3 weekly interval training sessions instead of cardio revealed the following results after 15 weeks:
- Obtaining an average fat rate lower than that of the cardio group
- Fat loss around the belly and legs significantly greater than for the cardio group
This study and this one show the same type of results.
Even if you burn the same amount of calories through interval training as with cardio, interval training will help you lose more belly fat.
This is because this form of training makes you use all types of muscle fibers, namely slow-twitch, fast-twitch, and super fast-twitch muscle fibers. When you do cardio, like running, you only use slow fibers.
In addition, you produce more testosterone and HGH growth hormone, both of which increase fat burning. Strength training is also more effective than cardio for losing stomach.
If you do 3 times 20 minutes of interval training, you will get MUCH more results than if you do cardio sessions of the same duration or longer.
For example, you can follow the following interval training regimen:
- 3 minutes warm-up
- 8 sets of 20 seconds of effort spaced by 60 seconds of break
- 2 minutes of recovery
You could thus do 8 sets of 20 seconds of sprint spaced by 60 seconds of recovery walk. Sprinter is out of the question for you, or are you older? In this case, replace the sprints with 8 sets of 20 seconds of brisk walking spaced by 60 seconds of the break.
This is much more effective than walking continuously at the same pace.
If you want a nice, firm stomach, abdominal exercises will, of course, be very helpful as well.
Summary tip-4: Practice interval training to burn fat and lose belly fat much faster than cardio or running.
Tip-5: Avoid prolonged stress
Stress leads you to produce more cortisol, an anti-stress hormone. This hormone, in particular, promotes the storage of fat around the abdomen and stimulates appetite.
Doubly annoying! When your cortisol level increases, your blood sugar increases, and your metabolism slows down. This has the effect of blocking the burning of fat.
Doubly annoying! When your cortisol level increases, your blood sugar increases, and your metabolism slows down. This has the effect of blocking the burning of fat.
It should be emphasized that acute stress is not necessarily a bad thing, on the contrary. For example, a short cold shower is very beneficial, even if the body experiences it as a stressful situation. What is not good are the long periods of stress, which are also known as chronic stress.
Make sure you do the following activities on a regular basis:
- Watch TV or a calm or funny film
- Having sex
- Meditation exercises can reduce your cortisol level by 20%
- Do yoga or breathing exercises
- Take long, relaxing breaks when you work
- Add plants to your home or workplace: they can reduce stress by around 15%.
- And of course, sleep well!
Summary tip-5: Avoid prolonged stress: sleep better and relax.
Tip-6: Look for the cold
There are many advantages to finding cold. Unfortunately, this tip is not very popular, as I have often seen.
But the idea combines two practices:
- Briefly expose to intense cold
- Stay cold longer, such as taking a cold water bath
The first can be done using short cold shower jets, for example. By this, I mean putting yourself under cold water for 30 seconds to 1 minute at the end of the shower. The hot water tap must be completely closed!
This activates the production of testosterone, which stimulates fat burning. At the same time, you force your body to produce a lot of heat, which leads you to burn calories and helps you lose belly fat.
But to really burn a lot of extra calories, the ideal is to swim in cold water. We burn an additional 250 kcal calories for 3 hours of swimming in cold water, simply because the body must warm up.
Warning: never expose your body to intense cold for more than 5 minutes. It's more time than it takes to reap all the benefits. Staying there longer can lead to hypothermia!
Summary tip-6: Burn extra calories and stimulate fat burning in the cold.
Tip-7: Drink a spinach smoothie
Spinach leaves are rich in thylakoids, capable of reducing hedonic hunger by 94%. Hedonic hunger corresponds to the desire for fatty and sweet foods. Spinach, therefore, helps you lose belly more easily.
Spinach also activates leptin, the satiety hormone, helping you keep your appetite in check. This is why it is advisable to consume a spinach smoothie early in the day, unless of course if you skip breakfast.
If you're making this spinach smoothie, add a glass of water to fill hunger and good fats like avocado.
Summary tip-7: Drink a spinach smoothie for more control over your appetite.
Tip-8: Make a cheat meal
We humans all have a limited will. This is why many of us struggle to maintain a healthy diet.
If you recognize yourself in this group, I recommend that you establish a cheat meal. Besides, I also recommend it to people who have no trouble sticking to a healthy diet!
A cheat meal is a meal where you can eat what you want. It is a practice that some bodybuilders and some models use to better support the rigidity of their diet.
However, this implies some guidelines:
- Never eat more than twice what you normally eat
- Choose a fixed day in the week, for example, Sunday
Since you will have eaten a lot, I advise you to skip breakfast the next day!
Cheat meals have many advantages:
- The metabolism accelerates by 6.6% for thin people and 2.7% for people with obesity
- An increase in the secretion of leptin, a hormone that sends the brain the signal to burn more abdominal fat.
- The amount of ghrelin, the hormone that causes hunger, decreases for about 3 days
- You can let go!
Value not significant.
In short: establishing a cheat meal helps you stick to a healthy diet more easily while continuing to lose weight, including this stubborn abdominal fat! Losing a stomach quickly becomes a little easier.
Summary tip-8: Make a cheat meal on a fixed day of the week, during which you can eat whatever you want!
Tip-9: Do not eat carbohydrates in the evening
Like I said, I'm not a fan of simple carbohydrates, such as cakes, candy, pastries, soft drinks, bread, pasta, and rice. These simple carbohydrates are also known as processed or refined carbohydrates because they are not directly derived from nature, unlike vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.
The downside of these foods is that they are quickly converted to sugar in the body. This causes spikes in blood sugar. You will store more fat around the belly, you who want to lose it.
I regularly hear:
But fruits also contain a lot of sugars! Indeed, they contain a lot of fruit sugars, but whole fruits also contain fiber. These fibers slow the rise in blood sugar levels.
With simple carbohydrates, there is no question of fiber. So there is nothing to slow your blood sugar apart from the insulin produced by your body.
Studies show that you can even lose weight by eating fruit. Consumption of 100 grams of fruit per day results in a loss of 300 grams after 6 months, regardless of the rest of your diet, whether you play sports or not. In this same study, vegetables led to even greater weight losses.
If you want to lose belly, I advise you to avoid refined carbohydrates, especially in the evening. Of course, good fats are also very high in calories.
Here are two reasons for this:
- Your body is unlikely to burn these calories in the evening. And what is not burned is stored. The unstoppable recipe for belly building!
- If you have eaten three meals (plus a few snacks) in the day, you are at risk of exceeding your daily calorie needs.
Eating before going to bed means running the risk of ingesting more calories than you actually need. Ultimately this is what causes weight gain, not so much the time you eat.
In any case, I suggest you stop eating after 8 p.m. Do you want to eat something anyway? Then stick to foods that contain as few calories as possible, such as vegetable soup.
Summary tip-9: Limit fat storage by avoiding eating sugars and carbohydrates in the evening. This will prevent you from eating more (empty) calories than your body needs in a day.
Tip-10: Drink more water and green tea
Most people drink too little water. Water has two main advantages when you want to lose weight:
- It provides a feeling of satiety, which makes you less prone to overeating.
- It slightly accelerates your metabolism, which will lead you to burn more fat and lose belly.
I recommend that you start the day by drinking a pair of glasses of water to hydrate yourself.
Then turn to green tea. Why ? Green tea has a number of benefits when it comes to losing stomach:
- It boosts your metabolism, which results in faster fat burning
- The theanine present in tea has a relaxing effect and reduces the urge to eat.
It is clear that you should drink a large number of cups a day to get the most of these benefits.
I recommend that you buy pure green tea.
Put a generous amount of green tea in a tea ball and drink several cups of it each day.
Summary tip-10: Drink large amounts of green tea to regulate your appetite and speed up your metabolism.
Tip-11: Avoid fruit juices
In my opinion, you already know that sodas will not help you lose your stomach. They are actually very sweet and increase your blood sugar and insulin levels significantly.
But fruit juices are also highly discouraged. However, there are still people who think they are doing well by consuming fruit juices, especially because of the great marketing promises that appear on the packaging.
The fruit juices found in all supermarkets are however packed with sugar, sometimes hidden under another name, of which there are dozens. Most of these end in “dare” or contain the term “syrup”.
Fruit juices should be distinguished from homemade juices, such as smoothies because they are stripped of fiber. Due to the lack of fiber, your blood sugar will rise faster, which you should avoid as much as possible.
To replace these fruit juices, the best is to concoct a green smoothie based on fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, like the spinach smoothie mentioned in our tip-7.
Summary tip-11: Do not drink fruit juice: these lack fiber and are very sweet!
Tip-12: Avoid breakfast cereals
Breakfast cereals contain sugar, both normal kinds of cereal and organic cereals. This concerns muesli, cruel or even cornflakes.
The best type of cereal I recommend you eat is rolled oats. Oatmeal has a number of advantages:
They contain a lot of protein
- They don't make your blood sugar go up
- They have a great satiating effect
- High-quality oatmeal does not contain gluten
Note, however, that some manufacturers add sugar to oatmeal, sometimes hidden under one of the many sugar aliases. Take a look at the list of ingredients! As we have seen, most of these pseudonyms end in “dare” or contain the term “syrup”.
Summary tip-12: Do not eat breakfast cereals: they are stuffed with sugar!
To finish, you will find below a summary of the foods to eat and not to eat to lose belly effectively. It goes without saying that you cannot eat these foods at will. You would consume too many calories and your chances of losing weight would below.
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