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Change your mindset and learn to take action with cold water

We have probably all fled from that awkward moment in the face of a change. We become paralyzed before taking action. And everything always remains in that: in wanting. We postpone change simply because it is easier and we do not have immediate repercussions.

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We think that we simply have not found that power button, to start acting and get out of the famous comfort zone. Surely you are already determined to change and you need that little push that starts your engines.

Coldwater has great power in our minds. There is a therapy with which you will achieve a visible change of mind in less than a month. do you want to know what is it about?

"Success comes when your dreams are bigger than your excuses"

Postponing change has become part of our routine. These are the most common day-to-day scenarios:

  • You have an important project on the horizon and you have trouble convincing yourself to start it. You cannot find the starting point and through a logical "excuse" you postpone it over and over again, condemning yourself to eternal planning.
  • You are trying to lose weight, and every now and then you get a little action, but it is not enough. You really want to feel better, but, for various reasons that "justify", you put off the exercise sessions for another day and have not yet dared to get rid of all the unhealthy food in your kitchen.
  • Your finances are teetering on a tightrope. You are determined to save, but when an unforeseen expense arises, and even knowing that this expense is not strictly necessary, you make that "exception" constantly.
  • You want to quit smoking, you know it is bad for your health. But somehow you find that "special occasion" that allows you to smoke one more cigarette.

All of these situations have this in common:

The but in prayer, followed by an excuse, to stay "no regrets" in your comfort zone

Don't you think that's true?

All of us have given some excuse to make our brain believe that everything is in order and that postponing change is the right solution for that moment.

Why? Simply because any changes are uncomfortable. Taking action to achieve anything generates effort and forces us to leave our "comfort zone." The only solution is a change of mind.

Do you remember this image? If not, I recommend that you read this article  about the excuses we make up.

What can I do to change my mind?

You need to change your focus to take action. What I mean by this?

Instead of seeing if there is a way to do something, you decide that you are going to do it anyway. Not because someone said you can, not because you know you can, but simply because you decided to.

Imagine that you are about to take a shower. You are in front of the water taps and you have to choose between opening the hot water tap in one direction or opening the cold water tap in the opposite direction. It's your decision.

You usually turn on the hot water tap, because it is more comfortable, it does not generate an effort and it is also something you do normally. But what if you had to take a shower with cold water?

Surely, just at that moment, all the excuses come to the fore: "It's cold", "I'm going to get sick", "This is not for me", "The shower is to relax", etc., etc.

Does it sound familiar to you?

Suppose you decide not to listen to those excuses and turn the key in the unusual direction to get a cold shower. At that moment, you overcome all the pretexts that prevented you from doing so and you face an icy discomfort.

This simple act of turning the key in the unusual direction makes you see that a little discomfort is not as bad as it appears to be.

Cold shower therapy

Surely, you are thinking Do you have to be crazy to do this? Maybe a little ... but it works. Let me tell you that I already tried and I am still so alive that I can write this. No sign of a cold, and it's best to identify all the excuses and deal with them.

Cold shower therapy, strange as it sounds, is actually therapy. It consists of taking cold showers first thing in the morning.


Yes, as soon as you get up. And not just once, but 30 days in a row you have to shower with penguin-level cold-cold water.

If you keep reading to this point, you can consider yourself a brave man.

Your first day will surely be similar to mine: I remember that my heart was pounding, I really felt fear and nerves, everything in turmoil. But after thinking about it a bit, I said: afraid of what? The water?

And so I turned on the cold water and did the right thing: scream loudly (you may need to warn the roommates that you are thinking of doing this, so they know you are okay).

I don't want to discourage you, but the second day was even worse, for a simple reason: because I already knew what I was up against. As it constantly happens to us in the face of change, we know that it is uncomfortable and we also have the option of giving up at hand.

And it is true, as in any goal you set yourself, you always have the option to back down. Overcoming a cold shower makes you see that you have the power to continue. What makes you learn great lessons for your day today.

After a week of achieving this and as the days go by, the water is still as cold as ever, but the good news is that your discomfort decreases. You will not get anything colder than what you felt before because your body does an impressive thing:  It begins to adapt.

And the same is true, with any change you incorporate into your life. At first, it seems uncomfortable but after a while, you manage to adapt.

If you dare, you will see that it is not so bad and that you even begin to enjoy it, because a cold shower really has benefits at the mental level and for the health of the body.

Why does a cold shower work on a mental level?

There are many reasons, which you can realize personally. I list some here:

  • You achieve a change of mind in no time
  • Because you overcome your fears, you don't postpone the challenge, you face it.
  • You realize that you have the same excuses as always, but you manage to overcome them and take action.
  • You face an uncomfortable change and you get over it. Leaving the famous "comfort zone".
  • You realize that this fear you have is disguised as doubt and procrastination when it comes to that project, exercise, or change of habits.

Health benefits of showering with cold water

Take a cold shower in the morning, and the sensation of cold water on our body seems more horrifying than beneficial. But, you are wrong, here are some of the benefits of cold water, just to convince you a little more:

  • Increase your energy : Deep breathing in response to the shock of temperatures increases our total oxygen consumption. Therefore, our heart rate will also increase, releasing a rush of blood throughout our entire body. This gives us a natural dose of energy for the day.
  • Better skin and scalp: Hot water has a tendency to dry out the skin, so it is better to use cold water to constrict the pores and scalp.
  • Decreases cellular oxidation: One study found an increase in glutathione (an antioxidant that keeps all other antioxidants at their optimal levels) in healthy participants who regularly swam in ice water, adapting their body to oxidative stress .
  • Boost your mood: Cold showers have been shown to relieve symptoms of depression. This happens due to the intense impact that the cold causes on the receptors of the skin. By transmitting many electrical impulses to the brain and thus improving moods. In addition, another study found that cold hydrotherapy also has a powerful analgesic effect.

    And while they are wonderful benefits, the real impact is on a mental level.

How do I state my cold shower therapy?

It's very simple. In fact, I can't think of any other activity that is so simple (+ free), and with so many benefits in your life.

To start your therapy and achieve a change of mind, you just have to follow these 4 steps from here:

Remember that habits can be changed, when we decide to do it and overcome our excuses and fears.

And you, do you dare to shower with cold water?

When you do, please tell me how it went and what results you got.

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