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How to treat a dry cough at home? Effective recipes for adults and children

treat a dry cough at home, remove dry cough, pain dry cough, dry cough for children, cough and cold, cough, medicine of cough
This article is for guidance only. If you find yourself having symptoms of a disease or feel unwell - consult a doctor first! Tips from this material can help you in emergency situations when it is not possible to contact qualified medical staff.

“Doctor, doctor, help, the child began to cough, come!”, “Ambulance? Accept the challenge, the child suffers from severe coughing attacks ”- such or very similar complaints have to be listened to by pediatricians almost dozens of times per shift.

Let's define the concept of “cough” and measures to combat this phenomenon.

Cough - spontaneous, exhaled exhalation, provoked by irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, respiratory tract or bronchi. It has a paroxysmal character.
With bronchial asthma, pneumonia and tuberculosis, coughing occur from irritation of the lung tissue, since the process itself is aimed at exhaling, it helps to reject and eliminate foreign bodies, mucus, formed sputum, and therefore helps to cleanse the lungs, bronchi, and respiratory tract.

Doctors call this cough productive, it is useful for the body, promotes the speedy recovery of the body, since it removes sputum, if not for this, any disease of the respiratory tract would turn into pneumonia - persistent pneumonia.
The remaining types of cough can easily be attributed to the category of non-productive cough, this type includes:
  • dry,
  • barking,
  • wave-like paroxysmal,
  • annoying.
These types of coughs do not bring a positive outcome during the course of the disease and are not a productive process in the body. And they bring strong physical suffering, cause a gag reflex, provoke muscle pain.

The duration of coughing can be divided into acute, lasting up to 3 weeks, inclusive, lasting from 3 to 8 weeks, inclusive.

Cough, the treatment of which is not started in a timely manner, can lead to stagnation in the body.

How many unpleasant consequences this necessary symptom can bring. Depending on the type of cough, appropriate treatment is also selected.

How to treat a cough
All medications are conditionally (since they can have several different directions of action) are divided into:
  • diluents - mucolytics,
  • intensifying cough - expectorant,
  • suppressing the functioning of the cough center.
There are combined drugs, for this reason, the division is rather arbitrary.
Unfortunately, there is currently no “golden” cough pill. But let's hope, maybe in the future, they will invent such a medicine.

Treatment of cough in children
There are two approaches to treating cough in children. Traditional, drug treatment or folk remedies for cough.

Coughing is a concomitant symptom of many diseases. Therefore, it is necessary not only to eliminate one cough but also to receive treatment from a doctor for an illness. We will deal with the main methods of treating this symptom.

How to cure a child's cough
Whatever kind of cough is, it is a protective reaction of the body. To facilitate breathing and eliminate dust, harmful microbes and accumulations of sputum, the body reflexively provokes coughing.

For kids, the cough is dangerous because it quickly sweeps into the bronchial region. And it can even provoke pneumonia. Through this feature of the child’s body, it is dangerous to independently select funds for the treatment of cough. Without fail, the doctor should examine the baby.
How to cure a child's cough
  • Aerosols for special purposes. It happens that a child has bronchial asthma. Parents of these crumbs in a home medicine cabinet must certainly have special aerosols, which are recommended by a pediatrician. Since dyspnea very often occurs with a beginning cough. And you can’t do without an aerosol bottle. First aid should be given to the child even before visiting the medical institution.
  • Trituration. In addition to medicines, massage will help relieve cough. To do this, you need a warming ointment or eucalyptus balm. It is necessary to take a small amount of grinding and rub the chest and back of the crumbs. 
  • The movements should be slow and smooth. Then the grinding will be evenly distributed on the surface of the skin and effectively perform its healing functions. At the same time, one cannot stay too long in one place. After all, the baby’s skin is so delicate and fragile.

How to cure a child's cough with homeopathy
If parents are not supporters of chemicals, then they can take the baby to the reception of a homeopath. He will individually prescribe a suitable cough remedy. The medicine can be purchased at a specialized pharmacy. 

It will not be possible to select a homeopathic medicine on its own. Since with his appointment, the doctor takes into account not only the disease but also the height, age, weight of the baby and even the features of his character. 

In addition to the prescription, the doctor will give a medication schedule where the time of administration and the dose of the drug will be noted.

Mom should remember that the effect of homeopathy does not occur from the first days of treatment. Coughing may even aggravate. But you need to be patient and continue to give grains. A little time will pass. And there will be no trace of coughing.

Folk remedies
Medicines can help, but their cost is quite high, in addition, there is a risk of undesirable consequences. Medications do not always help, bouts of prolonged coughing can cause a sick person inconvenience for a long time. We will tell you about a less expensive and less risky treatment.

Such treatment methods have long been considered proven folk remedies - herbs, roots, natural honey, and others.

And although their effect is not as strong as that of pharmacy counterparts, they nevertheless do an excellent job of the task. In addition, proven folk remedies do not have side effects that can not be said about medicines.

The beginning of cough treatment is to eliminate the causes of its appearance. Next, you should find out the nature of the disease, the type of cough.

At this stage, a diagnosis should be made, tests should be done, and only after a diagnosis is established can one or another treatment be prescribed.

All these procedures are performed in special institutions. The doctor should be diagnosed.
And folk recipes can help recover.

So, let's go directly to the tools themselves
An excellent option for treating cough is an infusion of plants such as mint, chamomile, mother and stepmother, Ledum, marjoram, and many others. If you don’t have any ingredient, it doesn’t matter, from the absence of one component the infusion does not lose its healing abilities.

Natural Honey Blend

Also, a wonderful option is a mixture based on natural May honey.
We will need these products:
  • some honey
  • about the same amount of cocoa and butter,
  • two spoons of vodka (moonshine).
All of these components must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Taking this medication should be done half an hour before a meal three times a day.

Onion broth

An effective option with a lot of positive reviews is onion broth. So, how to make this tool.
First, we need:
  • liter of water,
  • a couple of pretty onions
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar.
We put water on the fire and wait for boiling. When it happens, put the unpeeled onions and sugar in this water, and then boil over another low hour over low heat. After the set time, the broth must be filtered and allowed to cool. It is necessary to use half a glass four times a day.

Milk-based products

Oddly enough, ordinary milk helps quite a lot with dry cough. A little cream is added to half a liter of milk, about the same amount of honey and one egg yolk.
To prepare this product, milk must be brought to a boil and add the above ingredients. You can use the drug only warm, six times a day for half a glass.
It is useful to drink warm goat milk while melting a piece of butter in it or add almond oil, honey (but only to those who do not suffer from pancreatitis). It is very good to drink such a drink at night.

Heavy drink

Drinking plenty of water is one of the most important points in treating dry cough. Since, under this condition, the rate of recovery doubles. During illness, it is advisable to use the following:
  • Warm tea with various additives (lemon, honey, jam).
  • Cranberry fruit drink, various jelly.
  • The above decoctions of various herbs,
  • Heated goat milk with a little butter.
  • Alkaline water without gas
  • Infusion of licorice root.
Another fairly effective treatment for this cough is inhalation.

Decoctions of herbs
Decoctions of herbs, in the absence of allergies to them, are decoctions of plantain, mother and stepmothers, licorice, sage, rosehip
Hot tea with lemon, honey, raspberries also helps.
  • Black radish juice with honey
  • Gas-free, warm, alkaline mineral water
  • Licorice root infusions
Folk remedies for cough are widely used to treat children of the first years of life since folk remedies for cough have a less side effect than cough tablets.

Cough remedies for children are very tasty and desirable, such as a Brazilian banana mix.
Grate ripe bananas or grind in a blender, add water and sugar (at the rate of 1 banana per 100 ml of water), the mixture is heated and consumed.
Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies includes the use of animal products, bee products, and crop production.

Warm milk with soda is a proven folk remedy
Warm milk with honey and soda, the best means of dry cough turns into a wet, expectorant. This tool is tasty and useful not only for the treatment of cough but also to strengthen the body.
Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies can be supplemented by a series of additional manipulations, such as inhalation and breathing exercises. Based on the fact that coughing is a process that usually occurs during exhalation, a change in the rate of expiration of air increases or slows down the rate of coughing.
Attempts to cough can be stopped if the following measures are applied:
  • Stretch your mouth into a click and draw in air, making the sound “fffffff”.
  • Tighten the chest muscles.
  • Without relaxing the muscles of the chest, quietly, without making noise to exhale.
The right choice of treatment
Whatever treatment principle is chosen: medical treatment or treatment with folk remedies, it must be remembered that treatment must be carried out in conjunction with increased immunity, an increase in the body's defenses.
But the most important thing is prevention.
Causes of dry cough
  • Colds and flu overtake the population during the cold snap or warming season and the first manifestation of the disease is a runny nose and cough.
  • Cough has various degrees of severity. The cause of the cough is irritation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, and the cough itself is protective of the reaction of the body, which tries to clear the bronchi and lungs in this way.
  • I would like to note that cough is manifested not only with colds and acute respiratory infections, but also with such severe illnesses as asthma, tuberculosis, lung cancer, diseases of the nervous system, and so on.
  • Sometimes a person does not know for what reason a cough appeared and writes off everything for the common cold, which at times may not be entirely justified.
  • To establish the actual problem of coughing, you should visit a therapist and not begin self-medication, since you can not only not get the desired result, but also complicate the problem.
  • People suffered from coughing at almost all times and therefore people have long learned how to get rid of it. So, for example, it is widely believed that the best cough medicine is radish and honey.
  • There are many different recipes and here is one of them. Radish should be washed well, cut in half and cut indentations in each half. Then chop the pulp, pour honey inside, let it brew, so that the juice that comes out of the radish mixes with honey. Take the resulting mixture 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.

The use of carrots to treat cough

Good cough medicine is carrots. Pre-squeezed carrot juice is mixed with honey and taken in a tablespoon every two hours.

The use of fruit and berry juices for the treatment of cough

To thin the sputum, take viburnum or lingonberry juice with honey, and for a good expectorant action, it is recommended to take honey with lemon and aloe.

The best expectorants from natural raw materials
Some of the best expectorant drugs are:
  • mother and stepmother,
  • eucalyptus,
  • plantain,
  • chamomile,
  • Linden,
  • calendula,
  • sage,
  • raspberry and viburnum berries,
  • mint,
  • sagebrush.

Decoctions and infusions are made from fees, the recipes of which are varied. The easiest way to prepare a decoction is to fill the leaves of a plant (for example coltsfoot) with boiling water and infusion of such a decoction for two hours.

It helps with coughing and rubbing badger or goose fat into the chest. Some add onion or aloe juice to fat. After rubbing it is necessary to wrap up in order to sweat well. Then the disease leaves the body.

Folk remedies are good and effective but in the modern world, everyone should definitely consult a doctor.
If treatment with folk remedies does not help and the cough does not go away or does not subside within five days, consultation with a specialist is required.
It may be necessary to start taking antibiotics. It should be remembered that a running cough can be the result of bronchitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis, which means that folk remedies will not help here, and individual treatment is required, which only a doctor can establish.
How to treat dry cough
As you know, a dry cough manifests itself, as a rule, in diseases such as pleurisy and chronic disease of the serous membrane of the lungs.
This cough leads to quite unpleasant sensations, such as acute pain in the chest area, fever, difficulty breathing, and an acceleration of the pulse.
This situation is in most cases portend bronchitis. Also, the forerunners of bronchitis are burning in the chest, severe shortness of breath, weakness.

Proven Dry Cough Remedies
  • If an inflammatory process occurs in the trachea, then you can cope with it by frequent inhalations of various herbs.
  • Also, in order for a dry cough to bring you as little pain as possible, it is advisable to drink a decoction of green mustache leaves and buckwheat flowers.
  • An excellent option in the treatment of dry cough with garlic. It is necessary to finely chop a couple of cloves of garlic, add a little honey and literally two-three tablespoons of vodka.
  • Keep this medicine preferably in the refrigerator. It is necessary to use these products in the morning and evening for one day. If the procedure does not give the desired result, repeat the treatment again.

Ginger based product

Also, an excellent assistant for this type of cough is a ginger remedy.
To cook it, remove the peel from the ginger, then rub it on a grater in order to squeeze its juice.
Then mix a tablespoon of lemon and ginger juice with a small amount of honey. Then pour the resulting substance with boiling water and close for twenty minutes with a lid. Take this remedy every half hour in a sip.
And most importantly, the medicine should be retained in the mouth for some time.

Almond Remedy

Almond dry cough remedy. The main ingredient must be soaked for eight hours in cool water, having previously disconnected the skin from the kernels.
When the soaking process is suitable, crush the nuts by the end, then add a small amount of butter and sugar. It is necessary to take morning and evening.

Turmeric based

There is nowhere easier to do. Just grind the dried root of this plant and the remedy is ready. It is necessary to take a teaspoon twice a day.

Let's talk about tools such as auxiliary compresses.
  • They are made very simply - the main thing is not to go too far with the ingredients.
  • You can use a mixture of sunflower oil and ammonia.
  • It is advisable to rub this mixture well into the chest.
  • You can also moisten any shred of tissue with vodka, put it on the patient’s chest and cover with something that retains heat.

Proven Tricks
If you have a need for the treatment of dry cough, then you should know that treatment should begin with the disposal of the remnants of sputum from the body.
Dry Cough Tips
If you have a need for the treatment of dry cough, then you should know that treatment should begin with the disposal of the remnants of sputum from the body.
Medicines can help you in this situation. But they are not cheap and the risk of using them is not so small. But with all this, this cough can torment a person for quite a long time. Therefore, we will tell you about a less expensive and less risky treatment.
These treatment methods are the so-called folk remedies. Of course, they are not as effective as pharmaceutical drugs. But still, they do an excellent job of the task. And plus to all this, folk remedies do not have side effects that can not be said about medicines.

It is necessary to begin the treatment of cough with the elimination of the cause of its occurrence. Then determine the nature of the disease. Analyzes and diagnostic measures are carried out and only then treatment is prescribed. All this is done in a medical institution by specialists. And folk recipes can help recover.
So, let's go directly to the tools themselves
An excellent option for treating cough is an infusion of plants such as mint, chamomile, mother and stepmother, Ledum, marjoram, and many others. If you don’t have any ingredient, it doesn’t matter, from the absence of one component the infusion does not lose its healing abilities.

Also, a good option is the so-called honey mixture. For its manufacture, the following ingredients are required:
  • some honey
  • about the same amount of cocoa and butter,
  • a couple of spoons of vodka.
All of these components must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This medication should be taken half an hour before meals three times a day.
Dry cough inhalation
Inhalation gives pretty impressive results. To carry out this procedure, so-called nebulizers are used. But you can go the old-fashioned simple way, such as breathing over steam and the like. There are a great many solutions for inhalations.

It is possible to treat this type of cough in children with great success with the help of various massages and rubbing. In general, using any warming procedures. But be careful, procedures of this nature can be carried out only if the child does not have a temperature. For inhalation, decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, calendula, juniper and so on) are excellent. This type of treatment can be treated by both adults and children. And you should also know that inhalation can be carried out for children from four years old.
Types of inhalation
And how to cure a child’s cough? At home, you can organize inhalation. In the pharmacy network, you can purchase any kind of inhaler for different children.
The folk method of inhalation is familiar to everyone.
A good cough treatment is breathing over freshly boiled potatoes or over water with soda.
  • Steam inhalers. This the device resembles a saucepan, over which in the recent past children breathed in healing pairs. Only a modern inhaler is many times more convenient to use. But the precautions are identical. The appliance must not be tilted. Otherwise, the liquid will spill out of the container. And the child will get a burn. So this medical procedure should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of parents.
  • Ultrasonic inhaler. A decoction of herbs ​​is poured into this device. From the inhaler, the agents are sprayed with the smallest particles at room temperature. This type of inhaler is ideal for those moody guys who can not stand steam and thermal procedures.
  • Glass view of the inhaler. How to cure a child's cough with a glass inhaler? Using essential oils. Only it is not suitable for those children who are prone to allergic reactions. Without the supervision of the child with this device should not be left. Since it is not difficult to break and hurt him.
  • Herbal healing mixture. If a pediatrician has revealed pneumonia, acute bronchitis, or tracheobronchitis in a child, then herbal mixtures will help relieve cough symptoms. To do this, it will be enough to take part in the collection and place it in a container with cold water and warm for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. After that, you need another 45 minutes. insist on room temperature. The tincture is filtered through a sieve or gauze. The resulting volume of the broth is increased to 200 ml of warm boiled water. Shake the infusion immediately prior to use.

How to treat wet cough in adults

The methods for treating this type of cough depend on the disease that led to this result and on the symptoms that accompany it. The task that the treatment process pursues is to thin the mucus that forms in your lungs during inflammatory reactions. The desired result is more likely you will achieve when using a complex treatment.
The main methods of treatment
  • The use of a large amount of liquid, which contributes to the aforementioned liquefaction of mucus and facilitates the process of its removal from the body.
  • One method is frequent airing. But oddly enough, it helps reduce coughing.
  • Wet cleaning is possible as often as possible since during cleaning you eliminate the bulk of dust and allergens that adversely affect the patient's condition.
  • Also, if you use tobacco products, then you must overcome yourself and immediately give up smoking, as well as from regular and so-called passive smoking (inhalation of smoke from a person smoking nearby.
  • Exception from the diet of spicy, spicy dishes.

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