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The 3 daily actions you can do today to be more disciplined.

One of the biggest problems we face when we want to change a habit is a lack of discipline. Maybe you are very clear about what you want to achieve, but this lack of discipline prevents you from achieving what you set out to do.

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Being disciplined facilitates the path, makes you constant and mastering those unnecessary urges that hinder the path to your goal. Simply because discipline is a powerful tool.

In this article, there are my top three tips for becoming more disciplined (easily) starting today and forever.

"Discipline has the potential to create future miracles" 
Jim Rohn 

At university, I had a friend who we called "the lucky one". He was the goalkeeper of the team and on the court, it seemed that he had superpowers. They hardly ever scored a goal and thanks to their talent, the team was champion year after year.

That is precisely what we all believed, that he had exceptional talent in goal, but this was not entirely true.

Once I came to talk to him, he told me a little about what he did in his daily routine and, I was shocked. His day today was much more complex and active than it seemed.

He got up every day at 6 am and went for a run a bit before going to college. After school, she went without fail to all the afternoon training. Not only that, every weekend he participated in at least one match at the club near his home. Rest was extremely important to him so his bedtime was pinned down at 10pm obviously right after a well-balanced dinner.

The shocking thing was that he had spent several years with this same routine. And then I realized that talent was only the product of his discipline. His almost magical performance was simply the expected result of his daily habits.

After knowing her secret, of course, I also wanted to be more disciplined and have that tool in my life, and I am sure that you too ...

Discipline is a powerful tool.

Being disciplined guarantees us to have good results in everything, we set out to do.

It assures us the perfect outcome. Unfortunately, most lack this tool.

Simply because being disciplined is uncomfortable: It means that you have to do something that, at that moment, you do not want to do and expect a reward that you cannot see yet. Furthermore, it forces us to master our urges and urges (which is tremendously difficult).

Let me ask you something:

Could you do something you don't want in order to get a result you really want?

If the answer is NO. It means that you need to be more disciplined.

Self-discipline involves acting according to what you think (and what you propose) instead of acting how you feel at that moment

Think about this:

How many times have you postponed the morning alarm? How many have you considered the typical "tomorrow I start playing sports"? What about that binge of chocolates when you promised to eat better? What happened that day when you had a lot of work but checking Facebook could do more?

Trust me. I am intimately familiar with all those situations and I understand.

We all have strengths of our personality, as well as certain weaknesses, but the key is to focus on those strengths and manage to train the discipline.

Training discipline within our routine has become extremely important. In fact, some studies point to the lack of discipline and self-control as some of the reasons responsible for childhood obesity in some countries.

This means that if we young and old become a little more disciplined, we can obtain benefits in all areas of our routine. Discipline involves a change of mind which additionally helps you to have more constancy to achieve everything you set your mind to.

Here are some examples where being a little more disciplined translates into a complete improvement:

  • At work or at school:  procrastination will be erased from your routine. Because discipline helps you stay focused longer without falling into the trap of unnecessary distractions. Successfully finishing everything you have pending.
  • At home:  discipline allows you to be more organized and do those household chores that we don't like, such as cleaning, tidying up, washing clothes, etc.
  • In your diet:  discipline makes it easier for you to cook at home, buy better food, make better choices in restaurants, and avoid unhealthy "temptations".
  • In exercise or in your sport:  being disciplined motivates you to do your routine or training regularly, even if you don't feel like it or have a lot of motivation.

How can I have more discipline?

Although it sounds very complicated, let me tell you that it is a totally necessary sacrifice, simply because when you become more disciplined and enjoy this powerful tool you can live freer, create new habits and make healthier decisions without much effort.

Also, you have nothing to worry about because training discipline in your daily routine is not as difficult as it seems.

The following 3 daily actions help you to train your discipline in a practical way

1. Wash the dishes (wash the dishes) immediately after eating

Wash the dishes

Maybe you like washing dishes, maybe you don't like it, or maybe you have a machine in the kitchen that does it for you. Forget all that and just do it right after eating, with no excuses.

It is a simple exercise and it may have nothing to do with your goals or the habits you want to change. But, it is a way to control your impulses, do something you don't want, and take action without postponing.

It's just a small step: When you're done eating your breakfast, wash your bowl and silverware. When you finish your coffee or tea, wash your cup.

You will feel better once you do it consistently.

2. Make your bed just after getting up

Make your bed

It seems like a lie but this action has more benefits then you imagine.

Having to make a space of a few minutes to make your the bed is a powerful exercise: simply because there is no urgency to do it and nothing bad will happen if you don't do it at that moment, but you force yourself to do it as a disciplined training.

In addition, leaving the bed made has been seen to improve your productivity. It gives you the feeling that " the first task of the day is done" and motivates you to continue with those that follow.

Also, when you return home, the order will help you relax and enjoy the rest of the day with less to do.

3. Finish the shower with cold water


If you are braver, start with cold shower therapy. But, if you are starting your way towards a more disciplined life, start showering with warm water (or as you prefer); but it ends, at least the last few minutes, with cold water.

This simple action forces you to face discomfort and fight your own excuses. Which are generally responsible for our lack of discipline.

That's it.

Doing these actions each day will train your mind to discipline. And then it will pave the way to improve your self-control. For example: eat vegetables (even if you want to eat french fries) or do a few push-ups (even though you prefer to watch television) or finish studying (even if you want to check Instagram).

If you can't take all 3 actions, I suggest you start with one and nothing else.

There are many more activities that help you improve your discipline such as flossing after brushing your teeth,  always putting your clothes in their place,  cooking at least one meal at home, separating garbage, etc.

There are even 5 key habits that help you train discipline in your daily routine. If you manage to incorporate only one of the following habits, you will see that being disciplined becomes much easier.

It's like a paradox. Being disciplined helps you form habits and some habits help you be more disciplined.

If you want to know what these powerful habits are and what you can do today to incorporate them into your life, download your free mini-guide here

So now you know, but these 3 daily actions into practice and adopt in your routine the tool of being more disciplined.

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