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Against viruses. What foods can help boost your immune system?

It is no secret that chronic diseases in people begin when vitamin C is not enough in the body. But it is easy to prevent this problem since it is immediately absorbed by the body when it is ingested with food and is in a fairly large list of products. 

How to boost your immune system

But also, our nutrition is very important, with the help of which it is possible to activate the reserve forces of the body as soon as possible, allowing you to fight any cold. Indeed, human immunity is a counteraction to bacteria and viruses that come from the environment at any time of the year. 

Our immune system is a rather complex mechanism and can cause serious disruptions. And the strength of immunity depends on our lifestyle. Lead a healthy lifestyle and you will be ill less. 

If we drink alcohol, smoke, and eat junk food, then this reduces the protective system of immunity and we begin to get sick, here no products to increase immunity will help. And vice versa, a person who has a daily regimen sleeps enough and eats properly, he is guaranteed to be protected from illnesses and colds.

So, what foods enhance immunity. Of course, any fresh and healthy products help the body fight diseases since we get minerals, vitamins, and nutrients from them. But there are recognized leaders who have immunostimulating properties and are able to enhance human immunity in the shortest possible time.



Garlic is respected by all chefs for a spicy taste that gives any dish a piquancy and a pleasant smell. But in fact, garlic is concentrated body health. At one time, garlic even saved Europe by preventing the death of the plague. 

By eating garlic, you protect yourself from inflammation and swelling, and strengthen your immune system and cleanse your liver. This product helps to boost immunity, and restores the body during stress, and fights with you overloads. 

In order to increase immunity, it is necessary to use garlic only in its raw form. If during the working week you cannot afford to eat it raw due to the pungent odor, then add it to the prepared dishes, but only at the very end of their preparation, so as not to destroy valuable substances.

Foods Containing Vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, accompanies us throughout our lives. It participates in the basic processes of a reducing or oxidizing nature, helps in the assimilation of various chemical elements, is a strong antioxidant, and also synthesizes collagen. In addition, our stress resistance and immunity depend on vitamin C.

Most Vitamin C in plant foods. And if you regularly eat citrus fruits, then your body is guaranteed to get the right amount of vitamins. 

vitamin c

If you have already caught a cold, then drinking lemon will help you deal with it quickly enough. Lemon has a very high concentration of vitamin C, but it can only be stored in fresh fruits or freshly squeezed juice.

If the lemon is subjected to heat treatment, then it will lose almost all of its useful qualities. Eat lemon in the bite with tea, and adding juice to the water, immediately drink it.

What other products are needed in order to enhance immunity? This is a mixture of dried fruits, honey, and lemon. Prepare yourself such a mixture of minced lemon, dried apricots, raisins, and walnuts in a meat grinder. 

The proportions are approximately the following: 1 tbsp. dried fruits and nuts, 2 lemons (wash, cut, and remove the seeds). Pass all this through a meat grinder and mix with honey - and consume a tablespoon twice a day.

There is vitamin C in many berries. Currants, as well as gooseberries and cranberries, are distinguished by a high content, and kiwi is just a vitamin bomb. You can replenish vitamin C from persimmons, apples, and peaches. 

Unprocessed, fresh vegetables also have vitamins and Vitamin C on the list. Vitamins and herbs such as mint, nettle, and currant are also restored, and if you don’t eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits, rosehip will be a real salvation. 

An inexpensive and affordable sources of vitamin C in the cold season will be dill and parsley, as well as lettuce. You need to know that during severe stress, the consumption of vitamin increases sharply and immunity decreases. 

Therefore, in such situations, you need to replenish it in an increased amount. Also, the amount of absorbed vitamin C is greatly affected by alcohol and smoking, therefore, after the holidays you need to use foods with ascorbic acid intensively. Better yet, completely give up alcohol. Signs that your body is deficient in ascorbic acid are general weakness and frequent colds.


This root perfectly enhances immunity, it has been known to people since the days of Ancient China, in which warriors who were wounded in battle were treated with ginger, and their strength was restored.


Ginger very strongly stimulates our immunity due to the fact that it concentrates the basic mineral substances, vitamins, and essential oils necessary for humans. Ginger has a lot of B and C vitamins, and by its usefulness, it can be put next to garlic. Ginger also has a more pleasant aroma than garlic, which allows you to eat it at any time.

In addition, with the help of ginger, it is possible to normalize the secretion of bile and gastric juice, increase appetite, and relieve toxicosis and nausea in pregnant women. Tea with ginger, in which you can put more lemon and honey, perfectly replenishes the reserves of vitamins. Ginger is also added to chicken, porridge, or soup, and ginger juice serves as an excellent salad dressing and the basis of many sauces.

Oyster mushrooms

One of the delicious foods to boost immunity. Oyster mushrooms are known to everyone because of their medicinal properties since many medicines for atherosclerosis, hypertension and even cancer have been made on their basis. 

This type of mushroom removes heavy metal salts, radionuclides from the body, and of course, increases immunity and protects against colds. Using oyster mushrooms, we get the necessary trace elements, carbohydrates, and proteins. 

Mushrooms of these species contain polysaccharides that inhibit the development of tumor cells and increase the activity of the thymus - thymus gland cells, which are responsible in our body for the immune system. 

Fighting the onset of cancer, oyster mushrooms greatly strengthen the immune system, especially if it is weakened. With the help of mushrooms, it is possible to treat already existing diseases, for example, gallstone disease or skin disease. 

Oyster mushrooms destroy cholesterol, which, accumulating in the body contributes to diseases, and also has antioxidant properties, which help prevent the body from aging. These fungi normalize the intestinal microflora and remove toxins from the body, which in itself strengthens disease resistance.

Also, minerals found in oyster mushrooms serve to build bone tissue and normalize blood pressure.


A tasty and healthy product in order to enhance immunity. Honey has been used to strengthen immunity and treat diseases since ancient times. He is able to heal wounds, relieve stress, and treat colds. Honey can be of different types and varieties, but those in which berries and herbs are added are several times more useful than the usual form. 

In order not to get colds during the cold season, it will be enough to eat a spoonful of honey per day. If your body is depleted from stress and cold weather, eat honey with dried fruits (such as raisins, prunes, and dried apricots), as well as with walnuts and cashews. 

It is useful to drink tea with honey, prepared on the basis of linden or hypericum.


Kefir is usually used if there are digestive diseases, frequent colds, or in order to leave a weak and immature child. Kefir has a very useful fungus, which, supporting the intestines, does not allow pathogens to penetrate into it. 


Kefir also has vitamin D and calcium and this helps hematopoiesis and stimulates the appearance of protective antibodies in the blood, which helps the body fight viruses during the cold period, and also strengthens bones well. 

Kefir should be drunk very fresh since it has a really short shelf life. And if you can make kefir on your own at home, then using whole milk and sourdough and taking a glass every night, you will get the maximum benefit to strengthen the immune system.

The list of products that increase immunity can be continued indefinitely, but the above are the most affordable and inexpensive. And they can be taken every day without harming the wallet. But besides taking care of your health, you should not forget that some foods or bad habits will cause irreparable damage to your immunity and even lead to serious chronic diseases.

For example, by drinking alcohol regularly, you run the risk of getting heart and liver diseases, and by abusing coffee, you prevent vitamins from being absorbed by your body. Black tea is recommended to be replaced with green tea, and when you use mineral water, you remove toxic substances from the body, 

which contributes to good health for many years. Antibiotics bring a lot of damage to the immune system, which disrupts the functioning of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, and they must be taken strictly according to the doctor’s instructions.

In any case, before using this or that product, consult with your doctor. Because even onions or garlic have their contraindications.


This is one of the most famous products that enhance human immunity. Despite the fact that it has a rather pungent smell and taste, it should be consumed in cold weather, both for prevention and at the first sign of a cold. 

Onions have volatile, blocking not only the multiplication of pathogens but also stopping the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, onions are difficult to overestimate. It is advisable to eat it raw, although adding onions to dishes will also bring many benefits.

Be healthy!!!

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