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A Healthy Keto Diet: Top 10 Principles

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Healthy Keto Diet Plan-Health Fearless

What are the rules for healthy eating? What is a healthy diet on a keto diet? According to the ketogenic diet, it is a regular diet with the least amount of processed foods and a reduction in carbohydrate intake, mainly fruits.

A healthy diet in the minds of most people is associated with a diet with the lowest fat content, restriction of meat and white bread, and consumption of fruits and vegetables. This is a good start, but is it long enough?
The amount of scientific research on the effects of a ketogenic diet on health is growing every year. Unfortunately, this is not in the curriculum of nutritionists, as well as medical students. Are we progressive and can we independently look for answers to problems related to diabetes or overweight?

Eat the least processed foods

Everyone agrees that processed foods are bad for your health. Processed foods contain a lot of carbohydrates, preservatives, and other compounds that have nothing to do with a healthy diet. 

They also include fast food, powdered foods (sauces, cereals). A healthy diet on a keto diet is a menu that includes natural and unprocessed foods.

Healthy Nutrition and Vitamins

The human body does not produce vitamins, so it is necessary to provide them with food. Vitamins A, D, E and K are soluble in fats, so it is important that food is abundant in fats. 

Nutrition and Vitamins- Health Fearless

All B vitamins are found in meat, slightly less in fish. Vegetables, especially greens, are a good source of vitamins. Therefore, a healthy diet on a keto diet should be varied, with lots of vegetables, such as zucchini, broccoli, and spinach.

Fruits and berries in the daily diet

Fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, but some fruits such as peppers and cabbage contain much more. In addition, fruits contain a lot of sugar, and although it is not refined sugar, it is still sugar. Because it also causes the release of insulin. 

Therefore, it is worth reducing the number of fruits consumed in favor of green vegetables. From time to time, you can tolerate wild berries such as blueberries or raspberries. 

It should be remembered that excess sugar accumulates in the liver and if it is not consumed quickly, it turns into fat, which does not correspond to a healthy diet on a keto diet.

 More Fat Less Carbohydrate

Much more fat and very few carbohydrates form the basis of the ketogenic diet. Carbohydrates are not considered the most important source of energy, they are not needed. A sufficient amount of fat goes well with physical activity and muscle building. 
Carbohydrate-Health Fearless

Because healthy fats are an easily digestible protein. Carbohydrates cause obesity, not fat. A decrease in the number of carbohydrates in the diet is a decrease in insulin activity during the day, a large injection of energy, a greater sense of satiety, a lack of sucking, and loss of body fat.

Are there good carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are the least popular foods in the ketogenic diet. Therefore, it is better to choose foods that contain as little carbohydrates as possible. Of course, potatoes, pasta, and all cereals are prohibited. 

Although some of them contain slowly absorbed carbohydrates, they do activate insulin. The fact that the ketogenic diet is gluten-free is just a consequence of the fact that foods high in carbohydrates simply do not have a place in the diet. 

Therefore, the diet also targets people with gluten intolerance. Therefore, a healthy diet on a keto diet can maintain the optimal state of the human body.

Saturated Fat and cholesterol

The myth that cholesterol causes atherosclerosis and heart disease have long been destroyed. Many scientific studies have confirmed that the cholesterol content in food does not have a significant effect on blood cholesterol. 

A lack of eggs and offal does not increase the risk of a heart attack.
Every day there are publications about cholesterol and its needs in the body. Heart diseases, the circulatory system is the cause of excessive consumption of carbohydrates and the wrong ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. 
In short, carbohydrates cause prolonged inflammation. Omega-6 is like a sensor and tells you that inflammation is developing in the body. Cholesterol gets into infected places, such as the walls of blood vessels, and tries to renew them. 
When the inflammation has already been cured, omega-3 gives the omega-6 sign that its role is over. Thus, if omega-3 is lacking and omega-6 predominates, the inflammation that the body will experience for a very long time. 
Because of this, and the long-term presence of cholesterol. As you can see, these 3 compounds have different functions in the body. Therefore, violations of one factor can have a tremendous impact on your overall health.

We refuse sugar

Refuse sugar-Health Fearless

Refined sugar can be found in foods that we usually don’t see as sugar-containing items, such as meat and sausages. In addition, sugar has many names. Thus, manufacturers are doing everything to hide the name “sugar”. 

Therefore, the assertion that agave syrup, coconut sugar or even honey is a healthier form of sugar is not true. Sugar is sugar, period! Excess sugar in the body is the cause of many diseases, such as insulin resistance, diabetes, kidney disease, thyroid problems, overweight and even cancer. 

They are metabolic diseases because sugar adversely affects hormones that regulate metabolism.

Sweet Drinks and juices

Water is the best and most healthy drink. Sweetened drinks and juices are high in sugar. Therefore, the widespread use of juices promotes glycation or disruption of proteins by attaching glucose molecules to them. 

Such altered proteins are harmful to the body and cause their aging. Liver disease is caused by an excess of sugar in the daily diet.

Fatty Dairy Products

Avoid Fatty Dairy Products-Health Fearless

Milk is not a prohibited product in the ketogenic diet, and its products, provided that they are not fat-free, can be eaten with virtually no problems. However, you should pay attention to carbohydrates. 

Although natural dairy products contain little oil in general, in combination with other carbohydrates, foods can easily exceed the daily dose of carbohydrates. Milk in old age causes quite serious stomach problems, such as bloating, diarrhea, and lactose intolerance. 

It also slows down the absorption of other animal proteins. Calcium sources derived from milk can easily be replaced with nuts, vegetables or additives.
Healthy nutrition is very individual and has different meanings for each person. For example, some people want to lose weight. 
Other people struggle with insulin resistance or an unstable hormonal balance. Unfortunately, this is the case when foods in your daily diet can be harmful. Although they are sometimes considered healthy.

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